Unfortunately, there are numerous environmental factors - such as toxins, radiation and pollutants - that can attack the immune system and make us ill.
We typically spend 90 per cent of our time indoors. There we are surrounded by an invisible cocktail of molecules: walls, floors and furniture release gases into the air, chemical substances escape into the air when we cook or clean and, depending on the environment, pollutants from outside enter the inside. In addition, we ourselves constantly release various molecules into the environment when we breathe and through our skin".[1]
As early as in 1990, the WHO recognised: "...both the direct potho/ogical effects of chemicals, radiation and certain bio/ogical organisms, and the (often indirect) effects of physical, psychosocial and aesthetic factors such as housing, urban development, land-use planning and transport on health and well-being.“[2]
Today, medical science is aware of various syndromes that can arise due to a pathogenic building environment (sick building syndrome), due to too many ingested chemical pollutants (multiple chemical syndrome), due to the infrasound emitted by wind turbines (wind turbine syndrome) or due to electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic hypersensitivity). It is estimated that more than 20% of the world's population suffers from one of these syndromes.
[1] https://www.meineraumluft.at/innenraumchemie-neu-denken-2/ (04.10.2022)
[2] Schmitz-Spanke, Nesseler u.a. (2017). Umweltmedizin. ecomed-Storck GmbH, Landsberg am Lech. p. 15 and p. 134.