The world's first: the patented Sh radiation shielding rug

Ernst Schwarzhans - an expert in the field of room furnishing, presents his effective Sh radiation shielding rug. How does the world patent work and where does it make sense to use the Sh- radiation shielding rug? Prof. Dipl.-lng, Peter Pauli explains how it works on the basis of scientific tests.

Expert opinions on the Best Bed in the World.

Every part of our patented Faraday bed system has been testedand evaluated by independent experts. The test results and the benefits of such a complete system can be seen in the short video.

Dr. Daudert reports on the initial results of his study

In more than 30 patients sleeping in one of the Faraday systems, itwas found that the vegetative nervous system in particular profitedremarkably. The immune system was also stimulated and Long COVID patients recovered considerably faster.

Portrait of happy family on summer day Portrait of happy family on summer day

Recovery is felt immediately.

More than 30 customers now confirm the statements made by the experts.

